Nigerian capital

The attack happened Friday morning in the Nigerian capital .
He offered similar criticism of Lagos , the Nigerian capital .
They will arrive in the Nigerian capital Abuja on Thursday morning , the sources said .
It 's been one checkpoint after another as we have traveled north from the Nigerian capital Abuja .
At least 25 people were killed in an explosion during Christmas mass at a Roman Catholic church outside the Nigerian capital Abuja .
A Defense Department official told reporters on Wednesday that a handful of military advisers less than 10 were going to the Nigerian capital , Abuja .
Recently , when Ehrlich was invited to work on a project in the Nigerian capital , Abuja , he asked Onna to go along .
Opened in July , 2016 , the 186 kilometer rail line realized the train connection between the Nigerian capital Abuja with Kaduna , an important industrial city on the north of the country .
Patience Afor Abdullahi , a midwife and the head of nursing at Abuja National Hospital in the Nigerian capital , has lost track of how many babies she has delivered and she would not trade her job for anything .